External Opportunities

This page contains research studies which are currently seeking gender-diverse or related participants. All studies are managed by the organisation listed and questions about the study should be directed to them.

  • Periods and Menopause Survey

    NHS Hampshire and Isle of Wight would like to understand how periods and the menopause impact people’s lives and work, in order to help develop services and information sources. They are interested in hearing from people that experince periods and menopause who do not identify as women to ensure services are inclusive and sensitive to the needs of all.

  • Preconception Study

    The University of Southampton is working on developing guidance that will help GPs and nurses better support their patients before they try to get pregnant. They are keen to include trans+ voices in this study to ensure that preconception care is inclusive. You do not need to have or plan to have children in the future to participate.

  • Hate Crime Study

    The University of West London are seeking participants of multiple minorities who have been a victim of a Hate Crime to aid in their research. This work aims to enhance the hate crime reporting system, focusing on supporting the mental health recovery of victims with multiple minority identities.



Do you have a study that you would like us to share? Tell us about it by filling out the form below!

If you are looking to work with us or get advice on a research project that is still in development, please visit the projects page.