Support Us

We couldn’t do all of the wonderful work we do without our network of supportive allies. Why not become one of them today?

  • Make a Donantion

    This isn’t Tesco but every little helps. Donations enable us to provide our services to more people who need them by enabling us to support people who are struggling financially and expanding our services to new places.

  • Become a Friend

    Become a Friend of Beyond Reflections by setting up a monthly recurring donation of £5 (or more). Our friends are among the first people to hear about exciting updates and get exclusive discounts to our events.

  • Become a Sponsor

    If you are interested in making a difference as an organisation, consider becoming one of our corporate sponsors. We have worked with a wide range of groups throughout our history as a charity and would love to hear from you about how you think you can support us!

  • Make a Legacy Donation

    Make a long-lasting impact by naming Beyond Reflections in your will. You may wish to make a donation towards a specific service or a general donation that we can use however we need to. We advise that you seek proper legal advice to make sure that your donation is properly laid out in your will, but our team is available to discuss your donation with you if you wish.

  • Fundraise for Us

    Fundraising comes in all shapes and sizes. From sponsored marathons to bake sales, gaming live streams to raffles there are so many ways that you can use your skills and hobbies to raise money for us!

  • Spread the Word

    We know that times are hard and not everyone can afford to contribute financially to causes they care about. But you can still help us by following us on Social Media and interacting with our posts. Doing so allows us to reach like-minded people and spread the word about what we do to people who need us!

Looking for Volunteering opportunities?