Trans+ Aware

Cancer Care

The Trans Aware Cancer Care project is an NIHR (National Institute for Health Research) funded research project, which aims to help improve cancer services for Trans+ people. The project uses the BU PEIR Community Research model to work with the community to understand barriers to healthcare and how we can address them.

The project is led by Help & Care alongside partners Macmillan Cancer Support, Beyond Reflections, Bournemouth University, Southampton University Hospital, Wessex Cancer Trust and Wessex Cancer Alliance.

We are currently towards the end of the first phase of the project, during which our community researchers collected the experiences of the community through arts-based workshops. We have also worked with NHS service providers and commissioners to begin to co-create solutions to the issues identified during the workshops.

To read more about the project, including reflections on the work so far, visit the TACC website hosted by Involving People.

We will soon be hosting our end-of-project celebration event in Southampton. If you would like to know more about this event and enquire about attending, click here.

Listen Up.

Tune into these Transvox episodes to learn more about the project, direct from the team.

This week Gillian meets Stevie Corbin-Clarke from Bournemouth University and Katie Munday, one of the community reseachers to talk about a new project to investigate and find out about trans+ experiences of Cancer services. They share the progress of their ongoing project; outlining plans for upcoming workshops, pride events, and other initiatives to get access to people to input into the research in creative and engaging ways.

Once this phase of the project is complete, the outcomes will be made publicly available on this page. If you would like to be notified when the report is available, sign up to our mailing list.


Beyond Reflections Against Cancer